Happy Eid Al-Fitr everyone, Minal Aidin wal Faidzin, please forgive me from any mistake that I made to you guys.
It's a late post, but it's not something I could really push right away, since I wouldn't have anything to write about if I haven't done anything to celebrate the day beforehand (hint: I'm lazy). If I wanted to do so then I would make something else at least a day before, like my comrade in creative retardation did, So I squeezed a video out right on the first day.
And now since I have actually spent some time to celebrate the Lebaran, I could make some kind of a journal of it... Which turned out to be pretty short since I only spent one day for it, and I haven't gone anywhere else after that first day since my parents went back to our hometown at West Sumatra.
But I don't see any problem with it, because I don't really want this to turn into some kind of a long diary. It would feel a little bit weird if it's filled with too much stuffs like "Today I went to area X somewhere around London together with my friends, but we weren't really excited because this is not something that we wanted to do, but it's something that we should do anyway. It was really noisy out there, and I don't really like that large monument we saw"
"It almost looked alive"
Anyway, the day started with the Eid prayer, as per usual. Which means I get an extra time to sleep during the khutbah, as per usual. However the topic was still about the presidential election that I don't even want to talk about anymore because I'm too tired of all the bullshits going on around it, I don't even feel like providing links for your research, look around yourself if you want.
And then there's the family gathering. Since it's not taking place at my house, we need to go a little bit far from home to where my grandmother lives. This year is the first time that I'm the one who drives the car for my family, so it felt somewhat more special.
And somewhat breezy on my head
It's always fun gathering with my family, the ones from my mother's lineage at least, since there's never been an occasion where I would sit in the corner minding my own business/imaginations in my head because I don't know what to say or who to mingle with.
Yet I feel that ghastly grasp of responsibility and humiliation, because my younger cousins were able to share the annual pocket money, and I wasn't able to do the same. Although my cousins were cool about it, I could feel that they're actually looking forward for me to be able to do it. I mean they always cared about me, and vice-versa, so it's kinda given.
I really need to step up my game this year, I should be able to at least help pay for the monthly bills, this "income" I get from "computer services" will not be enough at all. I had planned to put ads on my blog to add some revenue, but registering for it is so troublesome that I lost interest. But it looks like I really need to after all, so I wish for your understanding when the time comes for ads to show up here.
It would be a great moment too, for the last 30th of July was my birthday. Now that I'm a 28-year-old uncle means that I really really need to take my life more seriously. Still gonna mess around every now and then though, just because I got older doesn't mean I need to act more like an old man. I want to stay young as much as possible.
No, to stay young doesn't mean to become an immortal, you're doing it wrong
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