Sunday, October 12, 2014

"Ideal" Body

Here's some random facts about me, which are totally not important; The first thing is that I'm quite tall for your average South East Asian. I'll let you take a guess on the height.,,


Alright, I'm standing on around 186 centimeters (that's around 6 feet to you Americans). And I've been told that it's a very tall height for most people, at least around here.

Picture a Wookie - with a lot less hair, and a bit shorter

Now about my weight, let's just say that I'm... very thin for someone at my height and age (28 y/o). Go ahead, give it a guess.


Okay, my weight is... hovering around 60 kilograms (again, that's around 132 pounds to you Americans). It's 59.3 by the time I post this, to be exact. Most of the time it's less than that, and sometimes it's a bit heavier. But it never went further than 58-62 kilograms.

Picture a Wookie - with a lot less hair, and in a post-diarrhea state

My weight has been like this since at least 10 years ago, and there was nothing I could do to improve that (it's not like I was trying to anyway). And this doesn't mean that I don't like to eat either - I'm actually a very gluttonous eater. I eat more than what average people do, and I also love to get some snacks after a meal.

There was the time that I have been suspected to have tapeworms in me, yet I've taken medications for it and there was no sign of it or anything else happening, so we decided that it doesn't seem to be the case. Besides, the thought of having some parasitic creature residing in your body for years without any major implication is actually pretty weird.

"I know, right?"

The weird thing is that I used to be a freakin' fatty when I was around 5 years old, but for some reason I gradually lose weight until there was no trace of it anymore. Now I can see my own ribcage whenever I take a deep breath, and my height makes me look even skinnier compared to shorter people with the same weight. Based on the ideal weight table that I found on the internet, I should at least be around 75-80 kilograms, so I guess I have malnutrition (or maybe I'm breeding little dragons in my colon, who knows).

But apparently, I wasn't alone. There are other people like me out there who are able to retain their skinny figure no matter what they do. We could eat an entire course of McDonald's for days, and we would still be slimmer than Marshal Mathers.

Several people told me that I should do exercises that focus mainly on body building, because if I only do walking, it would mean that I'm burning more calories in the process, so I would actually get thinner. Yet I used to go to my campus' gym back in my final year of bachelor degree days, and I don't see any difference at all even after several months.

Probably because of my other routine exercise

Some of us feel less confident about themselves because of this weird phenomenon we have, but I decided to just not give a damn about it. So what if I am a permanent skinny male? That means I could eat with a lot lesser restrictions compared to the normal people who are afraid of getting fat if they eat too much.

It's the perspective that counts. To me this is not a curse; it's a gift that could make other people jealous of. So I just embrace this condition with pride and hope I won't suddenly get heart-attack from high cholesterol because there is no Oh-shit-I'm-so-fat-right-now early warning of it.

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