Remember my previous post about the Working Across Borders course we have in our campus and its shenanigans? Last week the course had ended with everyone being happy about it, since the exam was a bit vague and it took a lot of brain crunching to get it done.
And yes, the 1ecturer did got replaced with a motherly businesswoman who embraces the concept of democracy, since she totally agreed with our proposition to make the exam not to be taken in class, although that did make it harder than it probably should be (see the 'brain crunching' part above).
So what about our dear Mr. Stalker? He got kicked out after his second day, thankfully. And after his repeated failed attempts on wooing my clasmate, he finally backed down.... But not before attempting yet another desperate call just a week after he got suspended, right before the class started.
"Hello? Hell...o? It's meee, Mr. 'Creep don't answerrrr'"
"Wait, there are other girls in your class?" you ask. Yes, my class has four in total, all of them are still in their 20s. Good thing he didn't switch targets right after he got kicked out since there's nothing more to lose. But I still believe that he is an intelligent man, because he did became our lecturer, so he's sure not going to go and send them messages like he did before.
So he sent e-mails instead.
Well, shit
That one was sent to the youngest out of the four girls in our class. I don't know why would he be asking her contact number right of the bat, even though he already have her goddamned e-mail address, aside from the obvious reason that he will be harassing her with messages just like he did to his last "victim".
Not to mention that there is absolutely no academic reason for it because, well, he's no longer teaching us, and he sucked at it too. And that "further reference" alibi never sounds creepier.
She didn't bother replying (well, duh), so he moved on to the next one.
Writing a proper english might have increased your chance, probably
That was for the one from Laos, the only foreigner in our class that stick around until she graduates later, unlike the previous ones that went back home after one semester. And she was the one that got pissed off the most when she heard that our classmate got harrased by this guy, she even ditched his final class (like I did as well).
He might have not tried sending her the email had he known that his reputation towards her is probably lower than a dirt, although it might actually get him more excited because of that. I mean, he did say that he will contact her (instead of might, or probably) when he's in Laos, which means he's not playing around with his perversion.
Although he's still an amateur compared to Master Roshi
"But maybe he only meant to be nice to you guys" you might ask, "it might be that he wants to properly apologize as a friend". Well, now you tell me why he didn't even bothered contacting the guys? If he really only wanted to 'deepen our bond' as a former teacher, that's a liiittle bit too selective right there.
Oh, and I did mentioned that we have four girls, right? He only harrased three of them and didn't try to go for the fourth. I'm not 100% sure, but it has to have something to do with all three of them are not married yet.
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